Let the Easter Season Begin

Spring equinox


The Equinox, (equal night), is the beginning of the Easter season. The first Sunday following the first full moon after the equinox is Easter. The celebration of new and abundant life. The lily represents the new life and the rabbit, abundant life.

For some cultures, the start of spring is considered a time of rebirth and renewal. And some religious holidays are timed to be celebrated after the spring equinox, including Easter and Passover
Happy Spring Equinox

One thought on “Let the Easter Season Begin

  1. Hi. I just stumbled upon your blog and I’m in love. I love the layout, the pictures, the stories. I especially enjoyed the info about Easter season. I wasn’t aware of how the date for Easter is decided. I also wasn’t sure what the rabbit symbolized. Thanks for making me just a bit smarter today.


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