Yoga and Pokeymon

As usual, only two of us showed for the ride to Yoga.  Five miles on a bike to Fort Taber joining in the group of around 50 or so like minded people.  I use like minded because this was a yoga class where the leader suggested we do some advanced poses, and there were universal groans of not only people trying to get into these positions but also those, like me, who would never every attempt them. For example.

yoga handstand 3yoga handstandyoga handststand 2

This is about the most extreme I can manage.  Maybe I’ll get to the above poses someday.  Nah.  It’s not going to happen. At my age, I don’t have enough time to get that strong and nimble.

yoga for men


Then there was Pokeymon Go.  I told Nick, the 16 year old who rode with me to Yoga about the number of people at the Pokemon gathering at Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven, MA.  He questioned my numbers,  about 1000 every night, until we arrived. Needless to say he was mortified.

Nick took a selfie saying he caught a Cannondale.


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