Coffeeneuring the Cape Cod Canal. Both Sides End to End and Crossing Both Bridges


First a word about Coffeeneuring. CLICK HERE to learn all about it.  Then give some though to participating.

Today’s coffee stop was at Dunkin Doughnuts in the town of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.  This was after a 25 mile ride of the Cape Cod Canal with a few friends.  Since DD is not a place for really good coffee, I had to settle for a regular old coffee from a pot.  Not my favorite but this was only a practice run.  At least I didn’t get it from a clown.

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Four of us took advantage of a really nice day to ride the Cape Cod Canal, doing both sides and crossing both bridges. (The Bourne and Sagamore bridges). The access points for walking and biking across the bridges are pretty well hidden and there is no signage to get you there.  Someone, like me, for instance has to show you how to get to the sidewalk access.  Once there it is highly recommended that you walk your bike over the bridge.  At 135 feet above the canal, walking takes most of the stress out of crossing this span on your bike.  It’s also much easier to take photos like this one.

The cape side of the canal from the top of the Sagamore bridge.
The cape side of the canal from the top of the Sagamore bridge.

We did end to end on the canal side but decided not to ride to Scussett Beach on the mainland side knocking a couple of miles off the ride.  Once back on the mainland side we were like cows smelling the barn and our pace noticeable picked up as we raced back to the starting point.  My three companions left me in the town of Buzzards Bay where I decide to do a practice run of the upcoming “Coffeeneuring” challenge.

Andrew Walking over the Bourne Bridge
Andrew Walking over the Bourne Bridge
Old Austin taxi.
Old Austin taxi.
under the RR bridge in Buzzards Bay
under the RR bridge in Buzzards Bay
Crazy bike
Crazy bike
Mass Maritime Academy docks.
Mass Maritime Academy docks.
Post office circa 1820
Post office circa 1820
RR along the canal on the Cape side
RR along the canal on the Cape side
The head of the canal on the cape side across from Mass Maritime Academy
The head of the canal on the cape side across from Mass Maritime Academy
The head of the canal in Sandwich on the cape side
The head of the canal in Sandwich on the cape side
Sunday traffic leaving the cape.
Sunday traffic leaving the cape.
Crossing the Sagamore
Crossing the Sagamore
Sue and Geoff after crossing the Sagamore Bridge
Sue and Geoff after crossing the Sagamore Bridge

3 thoughts on “Coffeeneuring the Cape Cod Canal. Both Sides End to End and Crossing Both Bridges

  1. And tips on how to get across the Sagamore Bridge from the bikeway? We’d be heading from Sandwich Marina Park on the Cape side, crossing the Sagamore, and then continuing to the Herring Run Recreation area on the mainland side. Google Maps seems to say it’s not possible–but you seem to have done it? thanks for any advice.


    1. Right under the Sagamore Bridge on the canal side, you need to walk up the dirt lot to the main street. Ride up the driveway of the Christmas Tree Shop. It’s very steep so you may need to walk up. The bridge walkway connects to the Christmas Tree Shop parking lot. Once across, it’s an easy downhill back to the canal on the mainland side.


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