2019 Erie Canal Bike Tour


The Riders      Brandon and amidnightrider

Gear list:          Packing light

Travel Day 1   The best laid plans

Travel Day 2:  Lots of Drama

Day 1:               Buffalo to Albion.  Tire problems so soon

Day 2:               Albion to Egypt, NY.   Hot hot hot

Day 3:              Egypt to Seneca Falls.  More bike problems, and the land of OZ

Day 4:              Seneca falls to Canastota.  The bonking on the hills of Syracuse.

Day 5:              Franky Frank on Frankfurt St in Frankfurt NY.  and Mike.

Day 6:             Herkimer to Amsterdam, NY. The Benny Hill hill

Day 7:            Amsterdam to Schenectady:   Made a Mt Everest climber friend. He
rides his bike on the ocean floor.

Epilogue:       Final thoughts and suggestions